800 Asomiya Pratidin Papers Stolen in Guwahati, Police on the Hunt

A Assam

As many as 800 copies of Asomiya Pratidin the highest circulated  Assamese news papers were stolen away from the varanda of Tapan  Agency Narengi,Guwahati last night causing comcern amomg the readers of the papers .The owner of the News Papers Agency namely Subhash Deka informed that some miscreants did this sabotage works which led him to file FIR at Noonmati Police Station.Deka further said that earlier on November 1 also miscreants stole away the packets of only Asomiya Pratidin. On the otherhand, when contacted Rishi Boruah,Proprietor Asomiya Pratidin when contacted said  that  packets Asomiya pratidin were stolen away from Kamakhya Gate Agency, also.There might be an anti social circle in the crime Boruah added.

Noonmati PS registered a case based on FIR lodged by Jayanta Deka son of Subhash Deka. Police investigation is on to nab the culprit.

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