Samujjal Bhattacharya Vows to Continue AASU Advisory Role Amidst Controversy

M Assam

Morigaon, November 19 : Samujjal Kumar Bhttacharya, Adviser toAll Assam Students Union will serve AASU till his last breath indicating he will continue his post in AASU as adviser if the members of this great  students organisation desire so in the 18 th conference of AASu to be held at Morigaon from November 21. Addressing the Media here at Morigaon yesterday AASU Adviser Bhattacharya said that thousands of AASU delegates from nook and corner of the state will attend the Morigaon Conference and they will form the next AASU exective body in the subject committee meeting. AMIDST much criticism , the AASU amended its constitution in last Duliajan conference that above 40 years of age no student leader will be allowed to hold the office bearer post of AASU. But as far as Samujjal Bhattacharya's post there much criticism among the intellectual circles.But yesterday Dr Bhattacharya again clarified that if the all members desire cosensus he will serve AASU till his death. Meanwhile all  arrrangements have been made at Morigaon to make the AASU conference a grand success with a three days programme from November21.The AASU source expected more than 10 thousands delegates will participate in this conference.

On the otherhand ,there is a case pending in CJM court by some AASU cadres challenging  some AASU activists age. The those alienated AASU group led by Dimoria AASU called a separate Kamrup AASU general convention at Sonapur on November 21st and 22nd.

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