All Assam Satra Mahasabha Files Defamation Case Against AIUDF MP Ajmal for Disrespecting Vishnavite Cloth


Morigaon.Nov15. Defamation case against Ajmal The All Assam Satra Mahasabha today filed a defamation case against AIUDF MP Moulana Badaruddin Ajmal for allegedly dishonoring CHELENG, a Vishnavite cloth that is regarded as a piece of cloth of high esteem in Assamese Vaishnavism.Bimal Chandra Borkakoti, Secretary,Morigaon District Unit, told this reporter that he lodged the case against Dhubri MP, Ajmal, at the direction of Assam Satra Mahasabha. The MP, Ajamal, threw the Vaishnava Cloth Cheleng when he was greeted with that cloth at a public meeting yesterday at Lahorighat in Morigaon district. The AASu also condemned the incident.The AASU organizing secretary, Naba Nath, addressing the press, condemned the incident and called on the people to boycott Ajmal, MP, and Dhubri.

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