How to keep your skin perfect even during air pollution?

Pollution damage

Air pollution can have many ill-effects, and it does not spare your sin either. Air pollution-related skin problems are more common than you think.

How to keep skin healthy

Here are six tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing even amid air pollution.


Exfoliate your skin regularly with physical or chemical exfoliators that are gentle. Do not overdo it.

Cleanse well

Use a gentle cleanser to remove all the dust and pollutants. At night, use a cleansing balm and then go for your cleanser to suck the impurities out.

Hydrate yourself

Drink plemnty of liquids and also apply hydrating moisturisers and serums to make your skin more resilient against pollution.


Your face and neck are not the only parts of your bidy. Bathe daily with warm water and use coconut oil to keep your body moisturised and clean.

Antioxidants for the win

Use skincare products loaded with antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, which help combat free radicals due to pollution.


Use moisturisers and skin lotions with ceramides in them. Always use a sunscreen while going out.